外道 in Monier-Williams (Sanskrit)
Monier,`Sanskrit English Dictionary',Oxford 1899.
m. an adherent or head of any other than one's own creed, Buddh.; Jain.
(アクサン付きの単語につきましては、ここでは bold で示しておきました)
tīrtha, n. (rarely m., MBh.)
a passage, way, road, ford, stairs for landing or for descent into a
river, bathing-place, place of pilgrimage on the banks of sacred streams,
piece of water, RV. &c.; the path to the altar between the Cātvāla and
Utkara, ShaḍvBr. iii, 1 ; ĀśbŚr. iv,ix; ŚāṅkhŚr.; Lāṭy.;
KātyŚr.; a channel, iv,8, Paddh.; the usual or right way or manner, TS.;
ŚBr. xiv, (a-,xi); KātyŚr.; MBh. iv, 1411; the right place or moment,
ChUp. viii; Anup. &c.; advice, instruction, counsel, adviser, preceptor,
MBh. v; Mālav. i, 12/13; Kir. ii, 3; certain lines or parts of the hand sacred to
the deities, Mn. ii; Yājñ. &c.; an object of veneration, sacred object, BhP.;
a worthy person, Āp.; Mn. iii, 130; MBh. &c.; a person worthy of receiving anything
(gen.), MānGṛ. i, 7; N. of certain counsellors of a king (enumerated in Pañcat. iii,
67/68), MBh, ii, 171; Ragh. xvii; Śiś. xiv; one of the ten orders of ascetics founded
by Śaṃkarācārya (its members add the word tīrtha to their names);
a brāhman, Uṇ. vṛ.; = darśana,L.; = yoga,L.; the vulva,L.;
a woman's cources,L.; fire, Uṇ. vṛ.; = nidāna, ib.